TechVisor International Patent & Trademark

Best Services for Patent and Trademark in Japan
Reliable & Reasonable
We are an intellectual property firm based in Tokyo.
Being a boutique firm with years of experience, we can provide you with reliable services for a resonable fee for patent/trademark/design applications and management. Whether you're a large corporation or a startup, we're here to help you protect your intellectual property. Especially , if you do not want to spend a large amount just for straightforward works (such as filing an amendment to Madrid trademarks), we are your best solution. Contact us today to learn more about our services!
Practice Areas

Specializing in Software Patents
Patent Filling
PCT National Phase Entry
Patentability / Clearance Search
Invalidation / Opposition
Licensing Negotiation
Best Agent for Madrid Amendments
Trademark Filing
Madrid Amendments
Availability Search
Best Agent for Hague Amendments
Design Filing
Hague Amendments
Professional in Charge
TechVisor International Patent & Trademark
902 Pine Shinjuku, Kitashinjuku 1-20-10, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1690074 JAPAN