The deadline of the filing 1 year after the eaeliest priority date.
If you have a four-digit DAS code, no paperwork is necessary. If you do not have DAS at the time of filing, we can add it later. Just tell us the application number and the filing date of the priority application. Please note we cannot add the priority application number later.
We STRONGLY recommend filing in English first and then submit the Japanese translation later, even if you have the translation at the time of filing. This is because if you file in Japanese first and there is mistranslations, it may not be possible to fix them. If you file in English, you can amend based of the original English specifications.
The deadline for tranlastion submission is 1 year and 4 months after the eaeliest priority date. If you miss this deadline the application is abandoned and there is virtually no remedy.
We highly recommend you let us handle English-Japanese translation. Our translation fee is very competitive (0.25USD/EnglishWord) and we do all translations in-house. This will lead to efficient OA reponses (because we already know what the present invention is about). There is no extra fee (Official and Service) for translation submission.
You need to request Subatantive Examination. The deadline is 3 years after (Japan) Filing Date. If you miss this deadline the application is abandoned and there is virtually no remedy. Official Fee is about 50,000JPY to 150,000JPY (420USD to 1250USD) depending of your being small or large entity, and the number of the claims. You may want to remove redundant claims before submitting Subatantive Examination Request.
Paris Convention Patent Filing (to Japan) Cookbook
Updated: Mar 17, 2023